LOGO Self Portrait 

by Edward J. Fraughton

Price: $1,850
Status: Available
Size: 12.25 inches high
Series: Open
Media: Cast Bronze 
The wise and sage, the keeper of legends is the one who will be remembered. He carries the legend: he is legend. Without a written language, Indians relied heavily upon the caretaker of legends to learn whatever could be learned and passed on about life. This was a special earned designation among Indians. The face was modeled to speek legends about the many years of experience and wisdom gained from real life as well as those learned from the legends he carries in his heart and head. More important even than the Chief, this is a sacred position of trust to be held only by the most worthy to carry the treasured lessons of life from gereration to generation.

The Legend Keeper was created as a companion piece for Earth Song, to be collected either individually or as a pair.

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  • Copyright © 2006 Edward J. Fraughton All Rights Reserved