by Edward J. Fraughton
Price: $10,000
Status: Available
Size: 27 inches high
Series: 50
Media: Cast Bronze
As a young married woman of the prairie tends her children and
household duties, she must always be attentive of danger. A distant puff of smoke or cloud of dust sends a signal.
What does it mean? Is it fire? A stranger or group of strangers? Indians? Buffalo, or cattle? Is it a stampede coming
to take away her garden or locusts moving in to devour the crops. Or, is it simply errant phenomena of nature, or perhaps her
husband finally on his way home? Without his companionship, all she has to protect her home and family is a dated
Civil War carbine.
As she holds her youngest, freshly bathed child in a towel and informs her
son gathering fresh vegetables from the garden, he grabs a stone and clings to her apron. This woman represents
mature womanhood, motherhood. Equal in every way to a man, it was the prairie woman who was a true hero, raising,
educating, caring for her family and carrying the responsibility for the nation's future on her shoulders. While the man
looked after providing his family with the most basic physical needs such as food, shelter and clothing, it was the woman
who supported that effort and made everything work out. That was certainly the case in my family.
This effort depicts the woman in much the same way that Daniel Chester French
depicted the Minuteman for Concord, Massachusetts.
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