by Edward J. Fraughton
Price: $40,000
Status: Sold Out (secondary market only)
Size: 15 inches high
Series: 30
Media: Cast Bronze
Where Trails End was the most significant single piece of work in my early career as it introduced my work and my name into the collector market. Although a number of other works preceded this one, in 1973 it won the first Gold Medal for Sculpture in the newly formed National Academy of Western Art. This exhibit took place at the National Cowboy Hall of Fame and Western Heritage Center in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Many stories are associated with this work. In the beginning, people either loved or hated it. As an example, when the piece was first exhibited, two individuals commented as they walked past. The first said, "Boy, I'd hate to have to live with that thing in my house." The other responded, "Why?" To that, the first said, "It's just so cold, so depressing." Uninhibited with excitement, the second gestured wildly and growled, "Yea, but that's what is so great about it." I hope the piece speaks for itself.
When Ronald Reagan was Governor of California, he saw the piece and fell in love with it. When he became President, a friend of his lent him a copy which he kept in his private office for the eight years of his Presidency.
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